1. The Orcs
The orcs were able to create an underground network and enslave both humans and elves to do their digging. The fact that they’ve managed to remain organized and undetected thus far makes them seem like an even more credible threat to Middle Earth.
2. Galadriel
Galadriel still finds herself in hostile territories, but being a “guest” of Numenor is a marked improvement on being stranded at sea. As an added bonus, she makes an ally and manages to finally decipher Sauron’s mark.
3. The Brandyfoots
Largo’s injury put the Brandyfoots in serious danger of being left behind, but with the Stranger pushing their cart, their as secure as anyone else on the caravan.
1. Revion
Dying makes you an automatic loser. Dying after thinking that you’ve escaped is even worse.
2. Medhor
No need to explain…
3. Arondir
Arondir watched both his friends die before his eyes and still remains captive to the orcs.